Saturday, December 28, 2019

What Did Music From Late Period Influence Composers...

Assignment 2 Module code: WXM1001 Module title: The Study of Music Student Name: Sum Ming LEE Deadline: 11/1/2015 Question: To what extent did music from earlier period influence composers working after 1950? Discuss at least two different examples from art music or popular music, or one from each. Classical, Baroque, and Romantic Music Influence on Modern Genres The Classical, Romantic and Baroque eras all influenced modern genres now a day. They are the foundation of all music. There is no way that music has no single element of earlier music. It is sure that modern music is the mixture of earlier music element and modern music element. For example now a days in pop music concert, people will still often use an orchestra or a string†¦show more content†¦1 in D major in 1916, and finished it in 1917 . It is intentionally imitating the style of Haydn. It is also known as the Classical Symphony which was written in 20th century. It first public performance on April 21, 1918 in Petrograd, conducted by Prokofiev himself. Form and style of Sergei Prokofiev symphony No. 1 in D major The symphony has four movements 1.Allegro; 2.Larghetto ; 3.Gavotta: Non troppo allegro; 4.Finale: Molto vivace, but the piece only last around 15 minutes. The symphony was considered as one of the first neoclassical compositions. Prokofiev was attempted to write in the style of Joseph Haydn in this classical symphony. As we can see that the elements of the old and the new styles are mixed together, and became a new piece with galant style , simple but elegance. Haydn’s style of Music in Prokofiev’s Symphony Prokofiev imitated Haydn style of music in his piece shows that the Baroque period is affecting the music after 1950. The main characteristic of Haydn s music is a large piece with short and simple motifs, with standard accompanying figures. The music is often quite formally concentrated, and the important musical events of a movement can be played more quicker than normal. Which is one of the element from Prokofiev’s Symphony No.1 in the 1st and last movement. Another common compositional form that Haydn normally uses is Sonata from, which is also used in Prokofiev’s Symphony

Friday, December 20, 2019

Morality and Dehumanization in One Day in the Life of...

The novel, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, presents moral issues, and daily dehumanization of men living in a camp in Russia in 1951. Ivan Denisovich, the protagonist in the novel spoke out against Stalin, and was then put in a prison camp because of it. The novel presents a terrible situation in which Ivan must overcome daily circumstances, which only a person living in a prison camp would know how to survive. The tone and mood of the novel are able to work together to show the theme of the novel, that human self-respect is achieved as long as one is still holding onto it. The extract that was chosen occurs on the last page of the novel. Shukhov has just returned from being counted, and helping out another Zek, Tsezar, whose†¦show more content†¦An example of this is on lines one through five. â€Å"Now they released you faster, for they were counting one by one.† The word you in the above quotation, shows how either Shukhov or the narrator may have been spea king in the quotation; showing the free indirect discourse. The free indirect discourse helps show the bleak tone of the novel. The bleak tone of the novel communicates the theme; human self-respect is achieved as long as one is still holding onto it. Because the tone is bleak, the theme is more emphasized through Shukhovs actions of holding his self respect. Whether it may be by holding onto items of sentimental purpose, or hoping for a letter from his family. The mood of the novel also fits in with the bleak tone. The dreary mood is seen through the tone, but goes deeper and describes the emotions portrayed throughout the novel. The last paragraphs of the novel, lines 40-45, show the dreary mood of the novel. â€Å"A day without a dark cloud. Almost a happy day. There were three thousand six hundred and fifty-three days like that in his stretch.† The quotation continues on, but from this quotation one is able to notice the irony in it. That it may have been a happy day, but there are still so many days to come that it is impossible to tell what those days will bring. The dreary mood is thus demonstrated from the quotation. TheShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn, A Russian Author With Personal Experience Of Labor Camp Conditions1478 Words   |  6 Pagesconditions, relates the experiences of his fellow prisoners by showing the world that humanity can be maintained in the most degrading of places. Such a theme can be observed closely in his novel One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, first published in 1962. As the title suggests, the novel is about a day in the Gulag (prison) from dawn to dusk from Ivan’s perspective. The Gulag is designed to strip the Zeks of their individual identities and dignity. The zek’s names are taken from them and replacedRead MoreThe Horrible Experiences of the Jewish People during The Holocaust1670 Words   |  7 Pagescircumstances this is â€Å"appropriate† or justifiable. I argue th at the ruthless manifestation of evil validates the loss of self and therefore the loss of morality. For those that have survived the Holocaust, there are implications of the loss of humanity and face the test of readopting their humanity in order to assimilate into society once again. Morality is defined as the â€Å"beliefs about what is right behavior and what is wrong behavior.† It is a â€Å"code[s] of conduct put forward by a society.† Members

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Quality Improvement Part 1 free essay sample

Examine three external indicators and how customers use the indicators as part of the Quality Improvement process; finally explain how stakeholder’s feedback is used in the quality Improvement process. Performance Measurement vs. Quality Improvement process â€Å"The primary concern of managers responsible for the operations of hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare delivery organizations is the quality of the non-clinical aspects of care over which they have most control, most visibility†. (Ransom Joshi Nash, 2008. P. 31). Performance measures are an important element of quality management process.Performance measures has the responsibility to directing their effort when change need to be institute. In the healthcare organization performance measures are a tool used to help managers understand and improve quality of care for patients and to develop a better functional programs for the staff. In contrast, Quality Improvement focuses on bridging the gap between current levels of quality. It is a way to be proactive in preventing errors or perhaps respond to near misses and develop a plan where safety is major components to process improvements. We will write a custom essay sample on Quality Improvement Part 1 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In case of medical errors, quality improvement help identify and see what changes can be made to improve or have preventive measures. Quality Improvement and quality Measures assist owners and managers with improving performances and raising performance standards. Norman Clinic Quality Improvement goals Norman Clinic of Physical Therapy is one of the largest hospitals in the state of Ohio. This clinic is about fifty (50) miles from downtown is dedicated to five key of quality measures. Emergency Services, Physical Therapy, Heart Failure, Surgical, pneumonia. This hospital offers a standard service and has earned its reputation in the management of individuals with disturbed functions or impairment related to neuromuscular, musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary, and integumentary systems. Norman Clinic has specific service in quality improvement process such as reducing the occurrence of ventilation of patients in the ICU and NICU. Role of the Consumer Healthcare consumers play an important role in the quality improvement of Norman Clinic and can impact hospital’s reputation, and feedback received from consumers.During admission, each patient receives a booklet who allows him to understand the mission, the goal, and different realization of the clinic in intensive care. This booklet outlining way patients may become active member of the clinic, include the methods used by healthcare providers to meet patient expectation, reduce risk of infection, improve quality of care, decrease medication errors, increase customers satisfaction as it relates to pain management and post discharge care. External Quality Indicators