Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Course Reflection Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Course Reflection - Assignment Example and when held up in different circumstances .The third chapter is important, had helped me in understanding the most important aspect of the study which is coding procedure and this will help me in being a better coding professional. The fourth chapter is about the medical fee charged on to the insurance clients and this section had mathematical calculation too. This is an important phase of the study which allowed me to understand and analyze the patient’s medical fee calculation .This section also allowed me to understand the benefits avail to the clients while they are claiming medical charges from the insurance company. There are different exercise regarding claims and reimbursement in this section which allow me to grasp more easily the mathematical activities. The fifth chapter is all about the refunds and appeals of clients. Here I understood about the record keeping technique and the way in which the refund and appeals had to be handled when I am in profession. Last but not least, I studied about the billing procedure which is the final step of the

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Journal - Essay Example This people could fill in any labor shortage in the future thus defeating the hypothesis the text of the book that in the future, our workforce may be composed of old people. There are just a lot of people who do not have a job that it will no longer be necessary to employ the aged in the future. Journal entry 2: Chapter 5 - Big Five profile To put my reaction in perspective, I need to mention my scores when I took the Big Five Assessment. The result was quite accurate. I score a nine in Extraversion which meant that I am basically a sociable person. I also scored an eight in Emotional Stability which suggests that I am emotionally competent to get a job done. I also scored a nine in Agreeableness which meant that I can work well with others and lastly, I scored well in Openness with a nine to cap the assessment. I only scored an eight in Conscientiousness. The Big Five profile assessment is simple and straightforward and somehow gives us a ballpark of our personality. My initial rea ction after taking the assessment was curiosity and was quite glad with the result because it somehow matches what I think my personality is. But when I took a hard look at the method of assessment, I also became cautious because I just find it too simple to be able to determine my personality traits are. I am not dismissing it but I just find it too simplistic. I thought that this could be more â€Å"convincing† if the Big Five profiling could be complemented by other psychometric tests to validate and cross-check its result. Still, the assessment provided me an immediate insight of what my personality could be. Journal entry 3: Chapter 6 In this exercise, I scored 32 which hovered in the category of Moderate engagement. Again, I find the questions were too generalized and do not really tell my real level of engagement in my studies. For example, what does moderate engagement exactly mean? That I am partially interested and partially not? Or only give my half-best in my stud ies? The assessment is asking the wrong questions about what my exact feelings and thoughts about studies. It is because there are subjects that I am really interested in that I enjoy studying them even if I am not in class. These subjects seems effortless to me and thus, â€Å"time flies when I am studying†. But there are also subjects that I am not interested in. These subjects are quite a drag and effort for me to study and it takes tremendous amount of effort for me just to study. And even when I study them, it is just for compliance and to pass the subject. The factors that makes a subject engaging or not were also not factored in. That could include a myriad of factors such as how they are taught, aptitude of the student, tools using in teaching them etch that could really tell the student’s engagement in his or her studies. Also, I find the questions in the assessment repetitive. They are basically asking the same questions ony that they are rephrased to confirm answers. Journal entry 4: Chapter 7 In the exercise of Measuring Perceived Fair Interpersonal Treatment, I scored 36 which suggest that I was in hovered in as a moderately fair organization. It was an internship job so I cannot complain and I had a pretty good experience working in that organization. And perhaps this perception is influenced by my expectation of the organization that I will have a good experience w